The details below are intended to help you make a reliable and informed decision. For every recommendation or suggestion, there’s an anomaly to any general answer. None-the-less, I hope you find it helpful. In a few instances, I have shared my “professional” opinion based on my “personal” history of experience. You can adopt or dismiss it. In any circumstance, we are always willing to discuss your specific needs and adopt the best, solution-oriented product working together on your behalf regardless of opinion.
Never place wood skids permanently on the ground. Properly placed, concrete blocks will add additional support when leveling your building. Above all, it adds an insect barrier and increases the airflow beneath your floor, thus improving moisture control as a result. NOTE: SOS provides this service at no additional charge.
All metal roofs should have an insulated vapor barrier to prevent condensation from dripping on the contents of the building.
A portable building should last 20 years or more with minimal maintenance. Modern building materials minimize insect, mold, mildew, and water damage extending the lifespan of your investment. Don’t settle for anything less when selecting your building. Look for LP Building Products to assure maximum quality.
Always choose a Vertical Roof for any “Fully Enclosed” building. The vertical panels will shed leaves and water quickly thus minimizing leaks. The required purling also adds structural integrity to your building.